WCC- Pershore Infrastructure Improvement Scheme- March Update
Pershore Infrastructure Improvement Scheme
Works on all elements of the Pershore Infrastructure Improvement Scheme have accelerated since the return to sites, following the Christmas shutdown.
Work on Pinvin Junction has now been completed and improvements to traffic flows through the junction have had an immediate impact. The contractor has moved and has set up a site compound on the south side of the new proposed Link Road and work is due to start imminently.
Persimmon Homes has closed Wyre Road for six weeks to complete junction improvements to Station Road / Wyre Road. This junction will eventually allow traffic travelling north out of Pershore to use the Wyre Road and the new Link Road to gain access to the A44. Once the Link Road is open, Wyre Road will become the A4104 and Station Road will become the B4083.
Further improvements to Wyre Road will include the provision of a cycleway and footway on the northern side, the installation of a new kerb line, improvements to drainage and additional streetlighting. The speed limit for Wyre Road and the new Link Road will become 40mph, which for Wyre Road is a reduction from the National Speed Limit currently in place.
Following approval by Wychavon District Council, some hedgerow removal has taken place on the north section of Wyre Road, in advance of the main contract.
A section of hedge adjacent to properties in Mirabelle Gardens has been left in place to provide security and screening and will not be removed until later in the year. A replacement fence, hedge and trees will be installed along the new boundary line, following completion of the works.
Temporary fencing has been erected behind the removed hedge and material from the hedge has been used to provide reptile shelter, following advice from ecologists and in consultation with local members, the town council and the Wildlife Trust. Photos are available on the County Council website.
The main contract to install the new cycle/footway on Wyre Road will start in the summer. Once completed a continuous cycle/footway will link Station Road and the new Link Road.
We will provide another update, ahead of works starting in the summer, which will provide more detail about the scheduling of the works on Wyre Road.
You can find out more about the scheme by visiting www.worcestershire.gov.uk/pershore
Should you have any further queries about the scheme, please contact .
The Major Projects Team
Worcestershire County Council