Wyre Piddle Parish Council stages its first socially distanced meeting via Zoom

Last night, (28th May), Wyre Piddle Parish Council staged its first socially distanced meeting since the Government lockdown in March.

Although getting used to this new technology it was a good meeting and a great deal of business was discussed and agreed.

Requirement for Annual General Meetings.

Although it is “May” and time for the Annual General Meetings, the government have lifted the duty of Parish Councils to hold an AGM of the Parish Council and the Annual General Meeting of the Parish during 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

The Annual General Meeting for Wyre Piddle Parish Council and Annual Meeting of Wyre Piddle Parish will now take place in May 2021 (date to be agreed).

The current Chair (Cllr. John Paul) and Vice Chair (Cllr. Misan McFarland) will remain in post until the AGM of 2021 as per the government guidance.

The date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting is set at Thursday 23rd July 2020 at 7.30pm.