Major Pershore Infrastructure improvements progressing well


Major Pershore Infrastructure improvements progressing well

The major improvements taking place to reduce congestion and improve traffic links in and around Pershore continue to progress well.


Last year, works focused on the reconfiguration of Pinvin Junction, which included works to introduce a new slip road from Pinvin Main Street to the A44 to move some traffic away from the main crossroads, widen the approaches to the junction to increase capacity and add new footways to improve cycling and walking links.


As these works are almost complete, the focus has now shifted to the installation of the Pershore Northern Link Road, where the site compound is being set up and the site is being prepared for this part of the scheme to begin.


Councillor Ken Pollock, Worcestershire County Council’s Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, said: “It’s great to see this scheme progressing so well, especially considering the heavy restrictions that prevented work at the start of the first lockdown and some that remain due to Covid-19.


“The improvements that have already been made, and will be made in future, will make a huge difference to improve journey time reliability for people travelling by car, as well as offering enhanced facilities for walkers and cyclists.


“The works here are a key part of the Council’s commitment to reducing congestion on the roads and improving ‘active travel’ such as walking and cycling, throughout the county.”


Advanced works are also set to get underway this month, ahead of works that will take place later this year on Wyre Road to introduce additional walking and cycling facilities.


These works will take place from week commencing 22nd February and will include vegetation removal, to allow for the wider shared use foot/cycleway to be installed.

These works are being carried out now, ahead of bird nesting season and will take place during the closure of Wyre Road by Persimmon Homes. Replanting of vegetation will happen following the completion of the scheme.


The Pershore Infrastructure Improvement Scheme is being delivered by Worcestershire County Council and includes improvements to the Station Road/Wyre Road Junction, the reconfiguration of Pinvin Junction, the development of the Pershore Northern Link Road and the construction of a new footway/cycleway to link Station Road with the new link road.


For more information about the scheme, visit