Parish Councillors update reports September 2021.
Parish Councillors update reports September 2021.
Cllr. Paul.
Smith’s meadow
I am receiving many comments about the amount of younger people (from outside the village) using the meadow to gather, playing loud music, jumping in the river. The meadow is for all to use however I completely understand those concerns people have, we as a council have had many conversations around how to manage this and unless we close the meadow ( which would affect all villagers) we can’t see a solution, we are not the police therefore unable to ask them to leave, if you feel that it is causing unsociable behaviour then you should report this to the police on 101 . If anyone has any other ideas or thoughts around resolving this issue please get in touch.
Community speed cameras
I have been in communication with west Mercia police around speeding through the village, they are planning on conducting a survey in 4 locations, if the results come back that we have an issue we will be looking for volunteers to be trained on the usage and process of the community speed cameras. I will update you further on any results we get.
Remembrance Sunday
At this point in time plans are being made for Remembrance Sunday to be held at the war memorial outside the village hall, the poppy wreath has been ordered. More information will be available closer to the time.
George Lane
The works on the railway bridge have been completed however there is still some work to do on the road just through the bridge, I have reported this to highways so hopefully will see completed soon.
Village hall defibrillator
Emergency ready.
Public right of way
We are still looking for someone to be a public right of way warden, if you would be interested in doing this role or would like more information please get in touch.
Parking on Pavements and grass verges
There are a lot of vehicles around the village parking on pavements and grass verges, please can I ask that residents reframe from doing this and ask their visitors and tradesmen not to also, it is not only illegal to obstruct the pavements but causes safety issues for pushchairs and wheelchairs having to manoeuvre on to the road to get by and also causing damage to the pavements from the vehicle’s.
Dog Excrement
Many parishioners are complaining about the amount of dog excrement being left by inconsiderate dog owners, please can I ask that all offending owners pick up after their dogs. This also comes with an up to £1000 fine.
Over hanging tree Smith’s Meadow
Tree planned to be coppice in autumn once the leaves have dropped off.
Cllr. McFarland.
Neighbourhood Watch
Following the recent spate of break-ins in Wyre Piddle I set up a village Neighbourhood Watch WhatsApp group which will enable villagers to quickly share information about suspicious activity or concerns. The group now has just under 40 members. It will be more effective if the majority of people in the Village join in the WhatsApp group.
We Don’t Buy Crime
I continue to offer Smart Water kits to new-comers to the Village.
Wyre Bridge
Wyre Bridge has been cleaned of moss and growth of saplings by WCC Highways.
Preaching Cross
Estimate from Browns Hardware for planted troughs:
Composite troughs £180
Compost £20
Winter Pansies £100*
Spring Bulbs £25
Summer Flowers £50*
Initial cost (includes delivery) £375
*Annual flower replacement £150
4 Movement alarms (if required) £120
I plan to invite parishioners to adopt a trough for watering and replenishing flowers each year (WPPC to buy plants).
Wyre Piddle Conservation Area Appraisal Group.
Wyre Piddle Parish Council and Wychavon District Council are undertaking a review of Wyre Piddle Conservation Area and its boundaries. The aim is to outline the history of the area and identify and explain what is special about it. The document will also contain guidance on how to protect and enhance the character and appearance of the area. As part of the process, a group has been set up and so far has undertaken a few village walks to assess what areas to propose for inclusion or removal from the Conservation Area.
Cllr. Searle.
Eastern Bridge and Wyre Road
I met Cllr Boatright regarding the traffic still using the bridge, and the suggestion regarding closing a section of Wyre Road to vehicles once the Northern Link Road is open. Following e-mails from myself and Cllr Townsend to him, Cllr Boatright had already been in touch with the Traffic Signals department and Cllr Amos the chairman of the Highways and Transport committee and has put our suggestions to them. He has been told that such a road closure has never been done in a rural environment and that it would not happen. I pointed out that leaving the road open without a footpath/cycle way is dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists and that if the road was not to be closed, we would want a footpath and cycle way built, which would be very expensive. Cllr Boatright said that we would have to start with getting a footpath along the full length of the B4083 and he would start pushing for that.
The” Bridge” group (no, not the card game) are continuing to report the police any vehicles they see crossing the bridge. However, with the speed that vehicles go through the village it is often difficult to get the number plates for any action to be taken.
I have noted an increase in vehicles using the bridge, especially at weekends.
I am drafting a questionnaire to ask villagers whether they would like the bridge permanently closed, and if not, to prevent it being used as a cut through to/from Pershore, would they like to see a section of Wyre Road closed. Vehicles would then have to use the Northern Link Road rather than Wyre Road to get to/from Pershore, thus encouraging road users to use the bypass rather than come through the village. The other benefit of closure of part of Wyre Road would be a safer pedestrian and cycle route from the village towards Pershore. A map will be enclosed with the questionnaire showing the proposals.
Planning Issues
I am continuing to review and to comment on relevant planning applications within the village, and the SWDP review. Please see my planning report. The consultation period over the Travellers and Travelling Show People Sites has now ended. The Parish Council comments were submitted to the consultation.
Grass Verges
I have now received the section 96 licence which is required to enable wildflowers to be sown on the grass verges. The Lengthsman has cut the grass and the area has been raked. The wildflower seed has been purchased in preparation to sowing in the next few weeks. The wildflower seed has been purchased, at no cost to the parish council.
Hill and Moor CLG
The meeting for this was cancelled on the 14 and 19 July and was rearranged for the 16 August. I was unable to attend this day. I understand from Cllr Boatright that he does not want to re-arrange a further meeting until he has got members from all parishes local to the refuse site.
Cllr. Lister.
Smith’s Meadow
- Picnic Bench Burnt area
- Seeded grass area quite well established now. Removed barrier tape.
- Picture sent to parish Council
- Still evaluating what is the best type of bench to replace burnt one. Discussed getting a metal sheet to cover top of benches to protect from burning. Not sure, this is the correct option as they may get very hot during summer and cause personal injury.
- Overall Smith’s Meadow in good condition and a big thank you from me to all the villagers who do their bit in clearing up litter.
- Last checked 19th September
Play Park
- Checked weekly.
- In good condition, lengths man is doing a great job in looking after park.
- No structural issues with apparatus.
- Last checked 19th September 2021
Bus Shelter
- All fine structurally but does get messy at times.
Telephone Box
- One large and one small pane missing
Cllr. Townsend.
Anchor Defibrilator.
Ready for use. Pads are due to expire November 2021. I have asked the new manager of the Anchor if they are happy to continue supporting the home for the unit and this is fine.
Pershore Infrastructure
I have sent a request to Mark Mills WCC asking for an update on progress of the Northern bypass and the footpath. He is checking to see if he can pop along to our meeting to update all of us but if not convenient he says Cr. Dan Boatright will be able to provide it.
Eastern Bridge
PC Brown, Barry Barnes, Cllr. Dan Boatright, Lew and myself are all confirmed attendees for a meeting about the bridge. The delay is being caused by Barry not providing the data on the light trials, risk assessment etc. I have asked Barry to confirm date now when this is ready but have also said we will need to go ahead soon as the traffic and speeding issues are not going away.
Cllr. Butler.
Outstanding questions from the last meeting/report.
- Occupants of the Mears were advised that although Carl will keep the V cut clear, if they have a problem with flooding they would need to contact the council.
- Footpath 501. A request has been put in to WCC and this has been acknowledged.
Lengthsman Report for July and August
As usual Carl is doing a good job, and things continue to run smoothly.
1.I have asked for the yellow temporary sign that is padlocked to the post just off the mini roundabout, to be removed and replaced with a more prominent/permanent sign saying the bridge is closed to traffic.
- The PROW between the Anchor and the building plot, as we suspected, is not dealt with by the Lengthsman. I have therefore reported the problem to WCC and received an acknowledgement. However, Carl did pop his head around the gates and it would appear that it will need quite a bit of work to get it back into anything like a safe place for people to walk on. With a lot of debris as well as weeds.
- I have spoken with Barry Barnes about applying for costs for a footpath to run from the railway bridge to the garage. There is something called 106 monies, which can be made available for this sort of thing. In order for us to apply for these monies we have to have the support of our local councillor. I contacted Dan Boatright. Dan is happy to support anything that provides for active travel. However, he stated that he was looking how we can reduce the traffic flow over these bridges (the one into Wyre Piddle and the other into Pershore from Pinvin. They’re both lacking footpaths and cycle ways and his idea had been to wait until the bypass was in, and then strike with a three-council supported plan to make these bridges more pedestrianised (so limiting rather than stopping traffic and making them unattractive for those just passing through but making them safer for pedestrians and cyclists. It will obviously take more time but Dan feels it will be harder for the powers that be to argue with the three pronged attack!
The question is do we want to wait and make a potentially stronger case for cycle paths and footpaths or do we want to go ahead and apply for just the footpath from where it currently ends to the garage?
4 We have been donated two bird boxes, which Carl has erected in Smiths meadow.
5 Carl has sided out the area that is going to be planted with wildflower seeds.